So, we've been hearing for years that the new DSM, our psychological bible, would come out with major revisions. But now that we are starting to see these revisions manifest in publications that are giving us sneak peeks, it looks kind of scary for the field.
Check out:
This is the official site for the new DSM. And, if things don't change, you can visit this site for a look into the field's certain doomed future.
As you click about on the site, notice the "Substance related disorders" section. The categories of abuse and dependence will be disappearing. That's right. DISAPPEARING. These will now fall into other categories or dropped. Note the heading paragraph:
"The work group had extensive discussions on the use of the word “addiction.” There was general agreement that “dependence” as a label for compulsive, out-of-control drug use has been problematic. It has been confusing to physicians and has resulted in patients with normal tolerance and withdrawal being labeled as “addicts.” This has also resulted in patients suffering from severe pain having adequate doses of opioids withheld because of fear of producing “addiction.” Accordingly, the word “dependence” is now limited to physiological dependence, which is a normal response to repeated doses of many medications including beta-blockers, antidepressants, opioids, anti-anxiety agents and other drugs. The presence of tolerance and withdrawal symptoms are not counted as symptoms to be counted for the diagnosis of substance use disorder when occurring in the context of appropriate medical treatment with prescribed medications."
This could mean a number of negative things for the field of addictions, since this is a diagnostic book that refuses to diagnose people that abuse their pain medications as having an addiction. Why the kid gloves?
Another startling change is the removal of personality disorders. Good news for our anti-socials and borderlines. Again, how is this helpful? They will now be rated on levels of personality function.
Obviously this is not all of the information you would get from the site, however I found them to be two of the most puzzling changes. Check out the site, and then come back and comment.
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